Model 3160
Trace Oxygen Analyzer
ECO# 99-0323
Table of Contents
1.1Features ....................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Fixed Features.............................................................. 1-1
1.1.2 VariableFeatures ......................................................... 1-1
1.2Components ................................................................................. 1-3
1.3OptionsandModelNumbers........................................................ 1-3
1.4Applications ................................................................................. 1-4
2.1PrinciplesofOperation ........................................................... 2-1
2.1.1Micro-FuelCellSensor ................................................. 2-3
2.1.2SampleSystem .............................................................. 2-3
2.1.3ElectronicsandSignalProcessing ............................. 2-5
RangeIdentifierTable ....................................................... 2-7
3.1UnpackingtheAnalyzer ................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Front Panel ................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Rear Panel................................................................................... 3-2
3.4GasLineConnections ................................................................... 3-4
3.4.1 Span Gas In .................................................................. 3-4
3.4.2InstrumentAir................................................................ 3-4
3.4.3SampleGasIn ............................................................... 3-4
3.4.4Vent .............................................................................. 3-4
3.5Micro-FuelCellInstallationorReplacement .................................. 3-5
3.6ElectricalConnections............................................................. 3-6
3.6.1 VoltageSelection.......................................................... 3-7
3.6.2 FuseChanging .............................................................. 3-8
3.6.3 ParallelandSerialPorts .......................................... 3-9
3.7InstallationChecklist ..................................................................... 3-10
4.1FrontPanelControls..................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 SpinningWheel............................................................. 4-2
4.1.2 Cell Output Factor........................................................ 4-2
4.2ModesofOperation ..................................................................... 4-2
ColdStart-Up ........................................................................ 4-5
Table of Contents (continued)
CalibrationZeroing ........................................................... 4-6
CalibrationUsingSpanGas .............................................. 4-8
SelectActiveSensor(TwoCellsOnly) ............................. 4-11
InstallSensorandTestAlternateSensor.... (TwoCellsOnly) .. 4-12
O2 Range Set-Up .................................................................. 4-14
Set-upAlarms ........................................................................ 4-15
LoggerSet-Up ....................................................................... 4-17
Set-UpClockFunctions ......................................................... 4-19
MonitoringandControl ......................................... 4-21
SystemStatistics ..................................................................... 4-23
5.1RoutineMaintenance .................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 SensorMaintenance ............................................... 5-1
5.1.2 ScrubberMaintenance .................................................. 5-1
5.2Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 5-2
A-1 SpecificationsSheet ................................................................ A-1
A-2 RecommendedSparePartsList .............................................. A-2
A-3 DrawingList ........................................................................... A-3
A-4 MaterialSafetyDataSheet ..................................................... A-4
A-5 MaterialSafetyDataSheet ..................................................... A-5
Introduction 1
1.1 Features
Fixed Features
The Model 3160 is a microprocessor-based trace oxygen monitoring system that
provides on-line monitoring of trace oxygen at parts-per-million (PPM) levels and can
directly measure the level of purity in high-grade gases.
The 3160 computer uses an Intel® 80188 microprocessor combined with 32
kilobytes of random access memory (RAM) and 128 kilobytes of read-only memory
(ROM). The total computer program resides in the ROM and is not affected by shut-
down periods, loss of power, or battery failure. However, calibration parameters and
stored measurement readings are retained in battery-backed-up RAM, which require
continuous battery voltage in order to be retained. This information will be lost if
battery power is interrupted, as in battery replacement.
Two displays help you monitor trace oxygen levels: a red 4-digit light emitting
diode (LED) display with one-inch numerals is easily read at a distance or even in
bright daylight, and a liquid crystal display (LCD) helps you keep track of alarm
setpoints, ranges, mode and system statistics.
Variable Features
Various models are available. The following features describe the basic model,
but the exact configuration depends on the standard options incorporated. Paragraph
1.3 contains a list of standard variations on the basic model.
The Class B-2 Micro-Fuel Cell measures trace O2 in a mixture of gases. Because
the Micro-Fuel Cell sensor is a sealed electrochemical device, it is replaced as a unit.
There are no electrolytes to change or electrodes to clean, making the sensor mainte-
nance free. The analyzer can be configured with one or two sensor blocks. Each block
can be isolated by pneumatically switched valves. The software automatically adjusts
when a second cell block is present.
1 Introduction
The 3160 features six full-scale linear ranges of analysis:
0–1 PPM
0–10 PPM
0–100 PPM
0–1000 PPM
An AutoRanging feature automatically selects the range that is appropriate for a
given reading. For example, if the O2 level exceeds 100% of the current range, the
analyzer switches to the next higher range. When desired, a manual override feature
allows a particular range of interest to be locked-in.
With the AutoSpan feature, the analyzer automatically calibrates at scheduled
intervals, and automatically performs electronic zeroing and sensor settling detection
during calibration.
Five user-programmable absolute-reading (PPM) alarm setpoints with assignable
Form 1C (SPDT) relays are provided, along with a RS-232C bidirectional serial data
port, and four signal outputs for chart recorders, etc. The
RS-232 serial port can be used with or without a modem to connect with
a personal computer loaded with the Teledyne Remote Analytical
Control Software (TRACS)
any terminal or terminal emulation software
a custom computer program
Several analyzer functions, including troubleshooting, can be run from your PC
through the phone line to the analyzer.
The analyzer has separate sample and span gas ports, which allow the installation
of an external source of span gas for calibration without interfering with the sample
gas line.
An optional scrubber installed into the sample system allows sample gas to be
used as a zero gas after treatment with the scrubber. If the scrubber is installed, pneu-
matic valves on either side of the scrubber open automatically during zeroing.
Note: Units equipped with a scrubber should only be used with inert gases
and saturated hydrocarbons.
The analyzer output is not affected by minor changes in the flow rate. Analyzer
performance is stable under minor mechanical vibration.
Introduction 1
1.2 Components
The analyzer is designed to mount in a standard 19-inch rack. All of the opera-
tional controls are easily accessed through the front panel. The analyzer contains each
of the following:
Analysis Section
Single or Dual Electrochemical Micro-Fuel Cell
Sample System
Power Supply
Microcontroller Module
LED Display
The front panel consists of:
LED Display
LCD Display with Touch Panel
Micro-Fuel Cell Access Panel
Flowmeter and flow set knob
The back panel ports are:
Gas Inlet/Outlet Ports
Electrical Connections
1.3 Options and Model Numbers
The 3160 is available with the following standard options, which are designated
by a descriptive suffix on the model number. Most of the options can be combined.
Single fuel cell.
Single fuel cell and oxygen scrubber
Dual fuel cell
Dual fuel cell and oxygen scrubber
Single cell and stainless steel cell block
Single cell, stainless steel cell block, and oxygen scrubber
Dual cell and stainless steel cell block
Dual cell, stainless steel cell block, and oxygen scrubber
1 Introduction
1.4 Applications
The analyzer is an invaluable tool in the following applications and industries:
Inert and gaseous hydrocarbon stream monitoring.
Measuring the purity of various gases in air separation plants.
Prevention of oxidation by measuring the purity of blanketing gases in
fiber and glass industries.
Monitoring and controlling gas atmospheres in the heat treatment of metals
in steel and other metal industries.
Gas analysis and research in laboratories and research and development
Semiconductor manufacturing.
Process monitoring of gaseous monomers—vinyl chloride, propylene,
butadiene, or ethylene.
Gas purity certification.
Glove box leak detection.
Natural gas treatment and transmission.
Inert gas welding of exotic metals.
Operational Theory 2
Operational Theory
2.1 Principles of Operation
The sub-systems that make up the analyzer are:
1. Micro-Fuel Cell Sensor
2. Sample System
3. Electronic Signal Processing
The Micro-Fuel Cell sensor is an electrochemical galvanic device that translates
the amount of oxygen present in the sample into an electrical current. The sample
system delivers the sample gas in a form that is as unaltered as possible for testing,
and for leak-free transport of gases through the analyzer.
The electronic signal processing unit (control module) is designed to simplify the
operation of the analyzer and accurately process the signal from various components.
The control module incorporates a microprocessor which allows the operation of the
analyzer with a minimum of operator interaction. Figure 2-1 illustrates major
2 Operational Theory
Figure 2-1. Major Components.
Operational Theory 2
2.1.1 Micro-Fuel Cell Sensor
The Micro-Fuel Cell is a sealed plastic disposable oxygen transducer that mea-
sures 1¼ inches in diameter and is ¾ inch thick. Inside of the cell are a cathode and
anode immersed in 15% aqueous KOH electrolyte. At one end of the sensor is a
Teflon diffusion membrane; the other end is sealed with a polyethylene membrane. At
the rear of the cell is a contact plate consisting of two concentric foils. The foils mate
with spring-loaded contacts in the sensor block assembly and provide the electrical
connection to the rest of the analyzer.
The sensing cathode, located beneath the diffusion membrane, has a surface area
of 2.48 cm2. The sample gas enters the sensor block through an inlet tube between the
cathode and the sensor block cap, diffuses through the Teflon membrane, and any
oxygen in the sample gas is reduced on the surface of the cathode by the following
O2 + 2H2O + 4e– → 4OH–
When the oxygen is reduced at the cathode, lead is simultaneously oxidized at the
anode by the following mechanism.
2Pb → 2Pb+2 + 4e–
The electrons released at the surface of the anode flow to the cathode surface via
an external circuit. This current is proportional to the amount of oxygen. It is mea-
sured and used to determine the oxygen concentration in the gas mixture.
The overall reaction for the fuel cell is:
2Pb + O2 → 2PbO
The output of the fuel cell is limited by the amount of oxygen in the cell at any
one time, and the amount of stored anode material. In the absence of oxygen, there is
no current generated.
2.1.2 Sample System
The sample system delivers gases to the Micro-Fuel Cell sensor from the ana-
lyzer rear panel inlet. Depending on the mode of operation either a sample or zero gas
is delivered.
The Model 3160 sample system is designed and fabricated to ensure that the
oxygen concentration of the gas is not altered as it travels through the sample system.
The following list of sample system and analyzer features are among those
available, but the exact configuration depends on the standard options incorporated.
Paragraph 1.3 contains a list of the standard variations on the basic model.
2 Operational Theory
• Electropolished 316L-type stainless steel components.
To eliminate oxygen absorption and desorption from the internal
wetted surfaces of the sample system components, the sample system is
fabricated from electropolished 316L-type stainless steel.
• Welding/Metal Gasket-Type Fittings.
All of the joints upstream of the Micro-Fuel Cell oxygen sensor are
orbitally welded. Orbital welding is used in the sample system
wherever feasible. Orbital welding fuses the electropolished 316L
stainless steel components together, forming a smooth, clean internal
(wetted) weld junction and eliminating small spaces around the weld
junction where gases can get trapped or absorbed. All of the weld
junctions in the entire assembly are purged using an inert gas during
welding to ensure that there is no oxygen contamination.
Orbital welding is used where practical; otherwise, conventional
precision welding is used. For example, conventional precision welding
is used to fuse the tubes to the mounting blocks.
• Valves.
The analyzer sampling system utilizes three different types of valves.
Each valve is selected to prevent oxygen contamination of the sample
depending on its position and purpose in the circuit.
Air-Actuated Bellows Valves: These valves are normally closed in the
sample system. They are used to control the delivery through the sample
system of the sample or zero gas. The valve bodies are orbitally welded in
the system and the valve bonnets make a metal-to-metal seal to the body.
This valve system eliminates inboard and outboard gas leakage. The valves
are activated (open/closed) by computer-controlled solenoid valves.
Metering Valve: The metering valve is used to manually control the
gas flow rate to the sensor. The body of the metering valve is orbitally
welded, and the bonnet is sealed to the body with metal O-rings. This type of
valve eliminates inboard and outboard gas leakage.
Solenoid Valves: The solenoid valves control the air flow to the air-
activated bellows valves. The solenoid valves are controlled by the
microprocessor module. When de-energized, the valve outlet is open to
ambient air, allowing the air-activated bellows valve to close.
• Scrubber (optional). See Appendix for details.
In systems with a scrubber, oxygen-trapping media is used to remove
any trace oxygen from the sample gas. This occurs automatically in the
zero menu, where the pneumatic valves leading to the scrubber are
triggered by a certain menu sequence. This process enables sample gas
Operational Theory 2
to be used to zero the analyzer, eliminating the need to switch external
• Overall Design.
The design of the sample system minimizes the volume of dead space, which
can retain residual gas from another route or previous mode of analysis.
Figure 2-2: Model 3160 flow schematic.
2.1.3 Electronics and Signal Processing
The Model 3160 analyzer has an embedded microcomputer, which controls all
signal processing, input/output, and display functions for the analyzer. System power
is supplied from a power supply module designed to be compatible with any interna-
tional power source.
The microcomputer, a liquid crystal display (LCD), and all analog signal pro-
cessing electronics are located inside a replaceable control module. A light emitting
diode (LED) display is located outside the control module.
2 Operational Theory
Electronics in the analyzer are grouped according to function:
1. Analog in
2. Analog out
3. Digital circuit
4. Power supply
Analog signal processing is accomplished in two plug-in circuit cards operating
under control of the microcomputer. All analog signals are converted to digital early
in the processing cycle to minimize analog processing and assure maximum system
accuracy, since digital processing is much more accurate than analog and immune to
many parameters such as drift and aging.
The initial processing and digitization of the signal from the Micro-Fuel Cell
takes place on two circuit boards: the six-decade programmable printed circuit board
(PCB), and the analog input board.
The first step in the chain takes place on the six-decade programmable PCB,
which is mounted directly on top of the cell block. The output of the sensor is a
current that is linearly proportional to the oxygen concentration. At low concentra-
tions, the current from the sensor is low, which makes the close physical proximity of
the pre-amp circuitry to the Micro-Fuel Cell necessary.
The sensor current is routed into a low-offset, low-bias current operational
amplifier configured as a current-to-voltage converter. The signal is sent through two
amplifiers to the analog input board. The pre-amp board provides sensor zeroing and a
connection to the thermistor in the sensor cell block.
The analog input PCB, which plugs into a DIN connector on the digital PCB,
performs three functions:
• Temperature compensation in the sensor signal
• Sensor offset correction
• Digitization
A thermistor inside the sensor block registers resistance and thus the temperature
of the sensor. Accordingly, an analog-to-digital converter configured as a digitally-
programmed attenuator (DPA) is used to reduce or increase the gain of the sensor
signal, so that the signal coming out of the DPA is independent of temperature.
If the software determines that the sensor needs offsetting, the sensor current is
back-calculated and an analog-to-digital converter on the analog board is driven by the
software to produce a voltage that is used to force a current into the current-to-voltage
converter located on the pre-amp board. The current injected is equal and opposite in
polarity to the portion of the sensor current that needs offsetting.
Digitization is provided by a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter, which digitizes
the oxygen and temperature signals.
Operational Theory 2
The analog output printed circuit board (PCB) generates the two 0–1 volt and the
two 4–20 mA analog signal outputs available on the rear panel of the analyzer. These
signals, generated in digital format by the microcomputer, are converted into analog
signals by the circuitry on this PCB. The output signals represent the following:
• 0–1V Signal (Oxygen Measurement): This output goes from 0 to 1, represent-
ing 0 to 100% of the scale that has been set; i.e., 0.6 volt is equal to 60% of the full
scale, or 6 PPM when on the 10 PPM scale. It is possible that the signal may go past
zero into the negative range up to -0.25, especially if the analyzer has been zeroed
with a gas that contains a significant concentration of oxygen. See Figure 2-3.
• 0-1V Range Identifier: This 0 to 1 volt output represents each range with a
particular voltage as shown in Table 2–1.
• Isolated 4–20 mA Signal (Oxygen Measurement): This is a 4 to 20 mA output
representing 0 to 100% of the scale, with 4 mA equal to 0%, and 20 mA equal to
100% of that range. This output may also range lower than 4 mA, especially if the
analyzer has been zeroed with a gas that contains a significant concentration of oxy-
gen. See Figure 2-3.
• Isolated 4–20 mA Range Identifier: This 4 to 20 mA output represents
individual ranges with discrete current output as shown in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Range Identifier
Voltage (V)
10 PPM
100 PPM
1000 PPM
Figure 2-3: Analog signal output offset
2 Operational Theory
The digital printed circuit board (PCB) is a general purpose microcomputer used
to control all functions of the analyzer. The analog input PCB and the analog output
PCB plug directly into connectors located on the digital PCB. In addition to control-
ling these analog PCBs, the digital board performs the following functions:
1. Processes input from the control panel pushbuttons.
2. Provides signals for the selectable alarms.
3. Processes serial I/O functions (RS-232 data). The serial interface default
and programmable parameters are listed in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2. Default and Programmable Parameters
1200 Baud
8 Bits
Programmable Options
1200 Baud
5, 6, 7, or 8 Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
Even, Odd, or No Parity
1 or 2 Stop Bits
4. Controls the LCD and the LED displays.
LCD: This screen is a dot-matrix display located on the control module of
the analyzer. It is the user interface for system operations. It
displays the menus and command options available for each
LED: This screen is a 7-segment display located on the front panel of the
analyzer, above the control module. It displays only the oxygen
concentration. It is large and bright to allow the operator to read it
at a greater distance. A dimmer switch for this display is located on
the display PCB behind the front panel.
The analyzer power supply module is a replaceable assembly containing four
power supplies and five alarm relays. Electronic circuitry used to drive and interface
the alarm relays to the output of the microcomputer is also located inside this module.
Note: This power supply contains an International Power Entry Module. This
feature allows operation on any of four international voltage ranges:
100V, 120V, 220V or 240V (50Hz or 60Hz). It also facilitates both North
American and European fusing arrangements. Programming this mod-
ule is described in the installation section of this manual.
Installation 3
Installation of the analyzer includes:
1. Unpacking the system.
2. Recognizing the necessary precautions when installing the system.
3. Hooking up the sample/span gas and air supply to appropriate connections.
4. Installing the Micro-Fuel Cell sensor(s).
5. Hooking up electrical connections.
6. Testing the system.
3.1 Unpacking the Analyzer
The analyzer is shipped with all the materials and special items you need to install
and prepare the system for operation. Carefully unpack the analyzer and inspect it for
damage. Immediately report any damage to the shipping agent. Remove the packing
slip and verify that you have received all the components listed in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. Accessory Kit for Model 3160
Part No.
Weld glands, VCR-type
Gaskets, VCR-type
Nuts, female (Hoke 4NM316)
Wrench, Open End, 3/4"–5/8"
Instruction Manual
3.2 Front Panel
The Model 3160 front and rear panels are illustrated in Figure 3–1 on the follow-
ing page. The front panel contains the following displays and controls:
1. Main power switch.
2. Light Emitting Diode (LED) display: the O2 concentration is displayed in
bold lettering.
3 Installation
3. Parts Per Million (PPM) and Percent Oxygen indicators: the PPM light will
light while the instrument is measuring O2 in units of PPM. The percent
light will light while the instrument is measuring O2 concentration in
4. Flow Indicator and Flow Set: a flowmeter and flow set knob are provided
for adjusting gas flow in standard cubic feet per hour (SCFH).
5. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with keypad: the LCD shows system menus
and data during instrument operation. The keypad is the primary user-input
device used to enter information in the system.
3.3 Rear Panel
Figure 3–1 also shows the rear panel of the 3160. Located on the rear panel are
the following electrical power and gas input ports, alarm relay outputs, and analog and
digital outputs:
1. Gas Input/Vent: three input fittings are provided for span gas, sample
gas, and compressed air for pneumatic valve operation. A single vent is used
for the sample and span gas outlet. Consult the Appendix for scrubber selec-
2. AC Power Input: 110, 120, 220 or 240 V ~ at 50/60 Hz 1.5 A MAX.
Use 250 V 1.6 A T Fuse for 110, 120 V ~
Use 250 V 0.8 A T Fuse for 220, 240 V ~
3. Alarm Circuit Connections: there are five contact closures/openings
provided for external alarms. The alarm functions are defined by the user via
keypad input within the LCD menu system.
4. Analog Outputs: four analog output connectors are provided for use
with a chart recorder. Two provide range and data in voltages; the other two
provide range and data for current-driven recorders.
5. RS-232 Serial Port: a 9–pin digital input/output connector is provided
for connecting either a serial printer or a serial link to an external computer.
Optional serial link software (such as TRACS) can be used with the instru-
ment for remote external computer monitoring and control of the instrument,
via modem or hardware link.
Installation 3
Figure 3–1: Analyzer front and rear panels.
3 Installation
3.4 Gas Line Connections
All of the gas lines to the system hook up at the back of the unit (see Figure 3–1).
All of the fittings on the removable back panel are ¼ " male VCR type fittings, with the
exception of the compressed air inlet fitting. Use the wrenches provided to connect the
gas lines. Insert the gasket between the fitting and tighten the female and male nuts
until finger-tight; then, by holding the male nut with the wrench, tighten the female nut
with the second wrench by ¼ turn.
CAUTION: Do not put any torque on the tubes welded on the sampling
Check that each of the lines is hooked up to the correct connection. The lines
should be connected in the following order (from left to right):
3.4.1. Span Gas In
Provide at least one sample gas of a known oxygen concentration. Using
70-99 % of the range just one range above the range of interest is recommended. Any
range EXCEPT 0-1 ppm may be used to calibrate.
3.4.2. Instrument Air (Compressed Air Fitting)
The gas pressure (70–80 psi) needed to operate the pneumatic valves in the
analyzer can be supplied through this fitting.
CAUTION: Pressure higher than 80 psig can damage the solenoid
3.4.3. Sample Gas In
Hook up the sample gas to the sample gas inlet. When the sample gas flows
through the optional oxygen scrubber, the sample gas becomes the zero gas and can be
used for calibration.
Note: Sample and span gas pressure should be between 5 and 10 psig and
within ±2 psi of each other. A substantial difference in the span and
sample gas pressures will cause a sudden change in gas flow rate.
3.4.4. Vent
The vent transports the sample or span gas out of the system after exposure to
the Micro-Fuel Cell sensor.
Installation 3
3.5 Micro-Fuel Cell Sensor Installation or Replacement
The 3160 comes with the Micro-Fuel Cell(s) already installed. When installing or
replacing the cells, remember to inspect the replacement sensor for leaks or damage. See
Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2: Sensor Installation.
3 Installation
1. The sensor compartment is located in the lower right-hand corner of the
analyzer front panel. To remove the sensor compartment panel, loosen the
thumbscrews located left and right center of the panel.
2. Make sure that sample gas is flowing through the analyzer, then shut off
the flow completely. This insures that air does not diffuse into the analyzer.
3. Inside the compartment should be two (one) stainless steel cylindrical
sensor block(s), each with a clamp lever across the front. The bottom half
of the clamp face is bent outward. To release the clamp, pull the clamp
lever up and toward you slowly.
4. Releasing the clamp releases the stainless steel block cap on the bottom of
the sensor block. Pull the cap downward to remove it. There is a guide pin
to the rear of the sensor block that aligns the cap to the block.
Note: It is important to minimize the amount of time that the new cell is ex-
posed to air in order to reduce the time required for the reading to drop
to zero.
5. Remove the Micro-Fuel Cell from the plastic bag. The cell has a mesh
screen with a raised plastic dress ring on one side and flat gold contact
rings on the other. Place the screen side of the cell face down on the block
cap so that the dress ring locks onto the cap ridges and will not move side
to side. The gold contact rings will be facing up.
6. Carefully guide the sensor and cap into the block, putting the guide pin
through the hole in the back edge of the cap.
7. While holding the cap in place, squeeze the clamp down firmly until the
notches on the clamp lock onto the block side pins.
8. Immediately start the sample flow, and set to about 2 SCFH. The analyzer
now needs to be zeroed and calibrated.
3.6 Electrical Connections
All of the electrical connections are located on the analyzer back panel. The
analyzer is shipped with all of the electrical connections intact, with no assembly or
installation required. The power cord receptacle is located in the lower center of the
panel. The voltage selection terminal and the fuse block are in the same fitting directly
above the power cord receptacle. There are four output signal connectors with screw
terminals in the upper right-hand panel. There are two wires per output with the polari-
ty noted below each. The five alarm circuit connectors, located in the lower center
right-hand panel, are screw terminals for alarm relay contacts. These five provide a set
of Form C contacts for the user. The contacts are capable of switching up to 3 am-
peres at 115 V ac into a resistive load.
Installation 3
Figure 3-3: 3160 Rear Panel.
3.6.1 Voltage Selection
Power cord must be disconnected before performing any voltage
The voltage setting and fuses of the analyzer can be changed to international
standards. To change the voltage setting or fuses:
1. Open the cover using a small blade screwdriver.
2. Remove the cover and the fuse block assembly.
3. Pull the voltage selector card straight out of the housing by pulling on the
indicator pin (see Figure 3–4).
3 Installation
Figure 3-4: Removing the Voltage Card
4. Turn the card so that the desired voltage can be read at the bottom.
5. Slide the indicator pin around the card so that it is pointing up when the
voltage is read at the bottom (see Figure 3–5).
Figure 3–5: Voltage Selection
6. Place the voltage selector card back into the housing. The edge where the
desired voltage is printed should go in first and the printed side of the card
should be facing the IEC connector.
7. Replace the fuse block and the cover. Verify that the indicator pin is
pointing to the correct voltage.
3.6.2 Fuse Changing
NOTE:Spare fuses are located in a clip attached to the power supply enclosure
inside of the analyzer.
Installation 3
Power cord must be disconnected before performing any
voltage selection!
To change from North American to European fuses, perform the following:
1. Use a small blade screwdriver to open the cover.
2. Loosen the Phillips screw two turns and remove the fuse block by sliding it
away from the screw and up from the pedestal.
3. Remove the North American fuse and turn the fuse block over.
4. Replace the fuse with European fuses. Two European fuses are required,
but the lower one may be replaced with a dummy fuse, or jumper bar (see
Figure 3–6).
European 1.6 Amp T Fuses
5 x 20 mm
North American 3 A T Fuses
Figure 3–6: Fuse Replacement
5. Slide the fuse block back on the Phillips screw and pedestal.
6. Tighten the Phillips screw and replace the cover.
NOTE:The fuses that go into the housing first are the active set.
3 Installation
3.6.3 RS-232 Serial Digital Port
The RS-232 port is configured as data terminal equipment (DTE) and uses a 9-pin
D connector wired as follows:
1. No connection
2. Transmit Data
3. Receive Data
4. N/C
5. Ground
6. N/C
7. RTC
8. CTS
9. N/C
Connecting the analyzer to a modem requires a PC to modem cable. When con-
necting the analyzer directly to a PC, terminal or other data terminal equipment, a
“null-modem” cable is required.
The following serial interface default parameters are used:
1200 Baud
8 Bits
Programmable Options
1200 Baud
5, 6, 7, or 8 Bits
Even, Odd, or None
1 or 2 Stop Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
3.7 Installation Checklist
Have you:
Checked for leaks from any of the rear panel connections?
Checked the sample and span gas pressures (5–10 psi)?
Checked the instrument air pressure (70–80 psi)?
Operations 4
4.1 Front Panel Controls
The front panel of the analyzer, shown in Figure 4-1, contains indicators and displays
through which the computer module can be accessed. The upper left-hand side of the panel
has an LED screen that displays the oxygen content of the sample in one-inch high
numerals. This display can be brightened or dimmed by a potentiometer located directly
behind the panel inside of the analyzer case. To access it, remove the top cover of the
Figure 4.1: Analyzer front panel.
Below the LED screen are two red LED lights. Each will light to indicate whether the
oxygen is being displayed in parts per million (PPM) or percent (%).
To the right of the LED screen is a flowmeter in standard cubic feet per hour
(SCFH). The flow set knob adjusts the flow rate of the gas during calibration and zeroing.
In the panel below the LED screen is the LCD display. The five colored buttons
below it are used to interface with the computer module in selecting modes, with the LCD
4 Operations
displaying the function of each button directly above it. The LCD screen displays the
current mode and any warning messages, instructions and button functions.
4.1.1 Spinning Wheel
A “spinning wheel” appears in the upper left-hand corner of the LCD display to
indicate that the alarms are enabled (any that are not defeated), or that scheduled zeroing
(AutoZeroing) or scheduled spanning (AutoSpanning) may take place. If the spinning
wheel does not appear, the alarms are disabled, and a scheduled zero or span is defeated.
Note that there is a delay of several minutes before the spinning wheel appears whenever
the Analyze mode is re-entered.
4.1.2 Cell Output Factor (Span Factor)
The expected life of the Micro-Fuel Cell sensor is about eight months. A guide to the
relative life left in the cell can be found on status page 2 (see System Statistics near the end
of this chapter) or retrieved from the serial port through the serial command SF. The span
factor ranges from 0.00 to 1.00, with 1.00 representing full life expectancy. A span factor
below 0.1 indicates that the Micro-Fuel Cell needs replacing.
4.2 Modes of Operation
To use the system and select displayed options, press the button directly underneath
the option you wish to select. There are eleven different menus:
Cold Start-Up: During the first startup, and when subsequent cold start-
ups are chosen by the user, initial values set at the factory for alarms, I/O,
calibration, zeroing and other data are used.
Upon cold start, zeroing and calibration should be performed before
accurate oxygen measurements are obtained. A system warm start is automati-
cally performed on each subsequent power-up. For a warm start, previous
user-input configuration data is preserved in RAM by battery-preserved
memory in the system control module.
Calibration Zeroing: For the highest possible accuracy, the analyzer
must be zeroed using an oxygen-free gas. By eliminating normal background
“noise” from the sensor reading, zeroing resets the level referred to as the
“zero” oxygen concentration.
If the analyzer is equipped with a scrubber, it is important to zero the
analyzer with a near-zero gas connected to the sample port. The zeroing
process automatically opens pneumatic valves on either side of the scrubber,
and a gas with a high concentration of oxygen will react with the scrubber and
necessitate replacement sooner.
Operations 4
When waiting for manual sensor settling during calibration zeroing, wait
until the oxygen concentration has reached its lowest value and has remained
so for 10–15 minutes. It is important to make sure that the sensor is reading the
lowest possible value, since zeroing will reset the point at which the sensor
reads zero. Do not zero prior to reaching the lowest possible oxygen concentra-
tion. When initially installing the sensor(s), do a zero calibration, then a span
calibration. If desired, the instrument may be programmed for automatic
periodic zeroing (AutoZeroing) if the optional scrubber is installed. AutoZero-
ing uses the scrubber to generate a zero gas from a low O2 sample gas.
NOTE: 1. Zeroing in the 0-1 PPM range preserves the life of the scrubber.
In scheduled zeroing and spanning (AutoZeroing and AutoSpanning), a
time interval must be chosen. This interval determines how often the instru-
ment zeros or spans itself. To change the scheduled time, edit it after setting
the interval in the Set Up Clock Functions mode.
NOTE: 2. AutoZeroing and AutoSpanning may be delayed until the alarms have been
Calibration Using Span Gas: After zeroing, the instrument can now
be calibrated using a span gas with a known oxygen concentration. The analyz-
er may be calibrated on any range other than 0–1 PPM, but it is best to cali-
brate one range up from the range where the sample is expected to be. The
span gas concentration should be within 70% to 99% of full scale of the range
NOTE: 3. Prior to calibration, allow the analyzer reading to come to a stable value with
zero or sample gas flowing through the analyzer.
Select Active Sensor (Two cell blocks only): One or two O2 sensor
blocks can be installed in the system. In dual sensor systems, either sensor can
be isolated with pneumatic valves, and the other sensor chosen as the active
sensor for O2 measurements. The system software is aware of how many
sensor blocks are present, but will not automatically switch sensors should one
This menu will not appear if only one cell block is installed.
Install Sensor and Test Alternate Sensor (Two cell blocks only): Pro-
cedures are provided for installing a new sensor and for testing the alternate O2
This menu will not appear if only one cell block is installed.
O2 Range Set-Up: The measurement range may be manually chosen, or
the system may be set to automatically choose the range (AutoRanging). In the
AutoRanging mode, the range will step up at greater than 100% and step
down at 80% of full scale of the current range. The analyzer is programmed to
prevent oscillation between ranges during rapidly changing oxygen levels.
4 Operations
Set-Up Alarms: Each of five alarms provided may be programmed to
actuate at any O2 trace level above or below a threshold. The fifth alarm may
also be programmed as a system alarm to monitor several system-level condi-
tions. The system alarm can be triggered by the following system operations:
• Scheduled zero (AutoZero) failure
• Scheduled span (AutoSpan) failure
• Battery failure
• Internal errors
Any condition triggering the system alarm can be determined from status
page 4 (see this chapter: System Statistics).
When the alarms are disabled, scheduled zeroing or spanning will not
take place.
Logger Set-Up: A system data logger keeps a record of past oxygen
measurements. The logger is presented in the form of a graphed chart on the
system LCD; gaps in time will not display, and all points shown on a single
chart have the same range and sensor number.
The logger will not record in the Test Alternate Sensor mode.
Set Up Clock Functions: An internal clock provides the time and date
for events scheduled by the user. The internal clock is also used by the logger
to record events scheduled at timed intervals.
Scheduled zeroing and spanning (AutoZeroing and AutoSpanning) are set
in this mode. The mode uses an electronic timer to set off the zeroing or
spanning sequence at pre-selected intervals. During an AutoZero or AutoSpan,
the alarms are defeated and the screen displays “PLEASE WAIT. SCHED-
Since AutoZeroing and AutoSpanning uses automatic settling detection
of the sensor, which can take up to fifteen minutes, oxygen monitoring will be
interrupted for the length of time it takes to zero or span, after which monitor-
ing will resume. The LCD will display the current background level during
zeroing or spanning.
Changing Passwords For Remote Monitoring and Control:
Programmable security passwords are provided to prevent unauthorized access
to remote monitoring and control. “Monitor” is the lowest authorization level
and only permits monitoring of analyzer functions, while “Control” allows
remote control of any function.
System Statistics: Menu screens are available to view various system
parameters, and for setting serial link operation parameters, including modem
Operations 4
Cold Start-Up
1. A cold start will automatically occur the first time you
start the analyzer. In any other situation, you can cold
start by turning the analyzer off and holding down the
red key below the LCD screen while you turn the power
back on. Continue to hold the red key until the screen
comes on. There will be a two minute wait for system
initialization before the second screen.
A warm start will take you directly to step 5.
2. Set the time using the SELEC, UP and DOWN keys,
and press ACCPT.
3. Select sensor A or B as the active sensor.
(This menu is omitted if only one cell block is installed.)
4. If you have not done so, connect the sample gas to the
sample port and press ACK.
5. Using the valve and meter on the sample gas supply, set
the flow rate to 2 SCFH and press ACK.
If you have warm-started, this is the second screen you
will see.
6. The main Analyze mode menu will appear, and the
measured O2 level of the sample gas will display. The
system should first be zeroed, then spanned, to obtain
the most accurate O2 measurements.
4 Operations
Calibration Zeroing
1. At the main Analyze mode screen press ZERO.
2. Press ACK to acknowledge that a low O2 gas has al-
ready been connected to the sample port. The sample
gas O2 level should be close to zero to preserve the life
of the scrubber (if one is installed).
3. Set the flow rate to 2 SCFH using the knob on the sys-
tem front panel and press ACK.
4. Press AUTO to let the system determine the settling
time before spanning or press MAN for manual.
5. If MAN was chosen in step 4, watch the logger or the
O2 value on the screen to assess when the output is con-
stant, and then press ACK.
6. After step 5, the system will automatically span to the
user-entered span value. If the zeroing is successful, the
main Analyze mode menu will appear as in step 10.
Operations 4
7. If the O2 cell current is too large to be zeroed, an error
message will appear. Press ACK to retry or ESC to
abort the zeroing process.
8. If AUTO was chosen in step 4, wait for the O2 level to
settle before the system zeros. This may take from thirty
(30) seconds to fifteen (15) minutes, depending on the
sample gas oxygen level.
9. After a stable low oxygen level is detected by the sys-
tem, the system will automatically zero.
If the O2 cell current is too large to be zeroed, an error
message will appear (see step 7). You will then have to
press ESC to abort, or ACK to retry.
10. If the zero is successful, the system will return to the
main Analyzer mode menu.
4 Operations
Calibration Using Span Gas
1. Enter the Calibration mode from the Analyze mode by
pressing SPAN.
2. Press ACK if zeroing has already been done. Make sure
to zero before calibrating to ensure correct O2 readings.
3. If the span gas tank is not connected to the span port,
connect it now and press ACK.
4. Enter the span gas concentration using the UP and
DOWN keys, and press ACCPT.
5. Set the flow rate to 2 SCFH and press ACK.
6. Select manual or automatic sensor settling detection by
pressing MAN or AUTO. Automatic sensor settling de-
tection lets the system determine when the sensor has
Operations 4
7. If AUTO was chosen in step 6, wait for the O2 level to
settle before the system spans. This may take from fif-
teen (15) to thirty (30) minutes or longer, depending on
the sample gas oxygen level.
Go to step 11 if MAN was chosen in step 6.
8. If any key was pressed in step 7, the screen indicates
that the span has been aborted. Press ACK to retry
spanning, or ESC to abort the span.
9. After the system has automatically detected sensor sta-
bility, the system will automatically span. If the system
spans correctly, the next screen will be the Analyze
mode main menu (see step 14).
10. If the O2 cell current is too strong or too weak to be
spanned, an error message will appear. Insure that the
span gas concentration has been entered correctly. Press
ACK to retry, or ESC to abort the span.
11. If MAN was pressed in step 6, watch the logger or the
O2 value on the screen to determine when the output is
constant, and then press ACK.
12. After step 11, the system will automatically span to the
user-entered span value.
4 Operations
13. If the O2 cell current is too strong or too weak to span,
an error message will appear. This will not occur if the
user-entered span gas concentration is correct. Press
ACK to retry, or ESC to abort the span.
14. If the span is successful, the system will return the main
Analyze mode menu. Check to see that the span value is
Operations 4
Select Active Sensor (Two Cells Only)
1. Enter set-up from the Analyze mode main menu by
pressing SETUP.
If only one cell block is installed, the TEST and INSTL
options on the next screen are omitted.
2. Press SET to change the active sensor.
3. Enter your authorization code by using the SELEC, UP
and DOWN keys, and press ACCPT.
4. Press SENSR. (This option will not appear if only one
sensor block is installed.)
5. Select sensor A or B.
6. The main Analyze mode menu will appear, and will indi-
cate the chosen sensor.
4 Operations
Install Sensor andTest Alternate Sensor (Two Cells Only)
1. Enter set-up from the Analyze mode by pressing
If only one cell is installed, the TEST and INSTL op-
tions on the next screen are omitted.
2. Press TEST to test the alternate sensor or INSTL to in-
stall a new sensor.
3. If TEST was chosen in step 2, the active sensor is dis-
played and you are directed to press ACK to test the al-
ternate sensor.
If INSTL was chosen in step 2, go to step 5.
4. After pressing ACK in step 3, the alternate sensor is
flushed for 10 minutes while the measured O2 level is
displayed. The 10 minute flush may be restarted by
pressing RESET, or aborted by pressing SKIP. Go to
step 8.
5. If INSTL was chosen in step 3, the screen will display
the active sensor. Press A or B for the sensor you are
6. Install the sensor (either A or B from step 5) into the
sensor block within two minutes, and press ACK.
Operations 4
7. After pressing ACK in step 6, the new sensor is flushed
for 10 minutes while the measured O2 level is displayed.
The 10-minute flush may be restarted by pressing RE-
SET, or aborted by pressing SKIP.
8. When sensor installation or alternate sensor test are
complete, the system will return to the main Analyze
mode menu.
4 Operations
O2 Range Set-Up
1. Enter Range Set-Up mode from the Analyze mode by
pressing RANGE.
2. Press AUTO for AutoRanging, or FIXED to manually
fix the O2 measurement range. In AutoRange mode, the
range will be automatically determined so that the O2
measurements are within a range which maximizes the
accuracy of the reading.
3. If AUTO is chosen in step 2, the main Analyze mode
menu will appear, and will indicate the automatically de-
termined range (see screen for step 1).
If FIXED is chosen in step 2, use the UP and DOWN
keys to choose the desired manual range, and press
4. If FIXED was chosen in step 2 and the range was speci-
fied in step 3, the main Analyze mode screen will ap-
pear, and will indicate the new manually set range.
Operations 4
Set-Up Alarms
1. Enter set-up from the Analyze mode by pressing
2. Press SET to set the alarms.
3. Enter the authorization code by using the SELEC, UP
and DOWN keys, and press ACCPT.
If this is a COLD START, the code you enter will be
the code set for every subsequent start-up until the next
If this is a WARM START, enter the code used during
the last COLD START.
4. Press ALRMS.
5. Press
AL1 for alarm 1
AL2 for alarm 2
MORE for alarms 3–5
ESC twice to return to the main menu
Note that alarm 5 may be programmed as a system
6. If AL1 or AL2 was chosen in step 5, use the SELEC,
UP and DOWN keys to configure alarm 1 or 2, and
press ACCPT, which will take you back to step 5.
LEVEL is the O2 concentration for the alarm
HIGH/LOW determines whether the alarm con-
dition is above or below the alarm threshold.
4 Operations
LATCHING actuates the alarm above a certain
setpoint even if the level falls back below the
RELAY indicates the relay (on the rear panel)
actuated by the alarm, which is changeable.
FAILSAFE=YES enables the relay which actu-
ates the alarm during system failure.
DEFEAT=NO actuates the alarms for normal
7. If MORE was pressed in step 5, choose alarms 3, 4, or 5
by pressing AL3, AL4, or AL5.
Choose AL5 to set-up a system alarm.
8. If AL5 was pressed in step 7, choose alarm 5 to be an
O2 or system alarm by pressing O2 or SYSTEM.
Configured as a system alarm, alarm 5 will ring when a
scheduled calibrator zeroing or a scheduled span calibra-
tion fails, when there is an internal system failure, or
when the RAM back-up battery fails.
9. If SYSTM was pressed in step 8, configure the system
alarm using the SELEC, UP and DOWN keys.
LATCHING=YES actuates alarm 5 above a cer-
tain setpoint even if the level falls back below the
FAILSAFE=YES enables the relay which actu-
ates the alarm during system failure.
DEFEAT=YES actuates the alarm for normal
Press ACCPT to accept the new system alarm configu-
ration. The next screen will ask you if there are more
alarms to set. If not, pressing ESC three times will take
you back to the Analyze mode main menu.
10. If O2 was pressed in step 8, the screen will resemble the
one in step 6. Use the SELEC, UP and DOWN keys to
configure alarm 5. When finished, press ACCPT. The
next screen will ask you if there are more alarms to set.
If not, pressing ESC three times will take you back to
the Analyze mode main menu.
Operations 4
Logger Set-Up
1. Enter set-up from the Analyze mode by pressing
2. Press SET to set up the logger.
3. Enter the authorization code by using the SELEC, UP
and DOWN keys. Then press ACCPT.
4. Press LOG for the logger functions. Press ESC to return
to the Analyze mode main menu.
5. Press CLEAR if you want to clear the current logger
data. Press SETUP to continue setting up the logger.
6. If you chose SETUP in step 5, use SELEC to choose
logger ON/OFF, the time period between samples, or
the mode of measurement. Then choose EDIT to
change the values. After you are finished, press ACCPT,
which will take you to step 4.
The choices for the logger chart sampling mode (MODE
=) are on the next page.
4 Operations
Note: The above screens use T to indicate two values: seconds and minutes. The first value is
the time period between samples on the logger, and is programmable. The second time
value is the width of the logger chart page, and is not programmable. There are 64
samples per logger chart page, and over 20 pages of past data which may be viewed.
Mode determines how to calculate the sample values shown on the logger chart:
The average of all measurements in the time period between samples.
The average of the minimum and the maximum values measured in the time
period between samples.
Maximum: The maximum of all values measured in the time period between samples.
Minimum: The minimum of all values measured in the time period between samples.
The last sample measured in the time period between samples.
Press EDIT in step 6 and then use the UP and DOWN keys to select the above choices for the
logger chart mode.
Operations 4
Set-Up Clock Functions
1. Enter set-up from the Analyze mode by pressing
2. Press SET to set the clock functions.
(If only one cell block is installed, TEST and INSTL
will be omitted.)
3. Enter the authorization code by using the SELEC, UP
and DOWN keys, and press ACCPT.
4. Press MORE.
5. Press CLOCK to select clock functions.
6. Enter the function that you would like to change.
SET: Sets the time.
ZERO:Sets the time for the next zero and the inter-
val times for automatic zeroing.
SPAN: Sets the time for the next span and interval
times for automatic spanning.
ALRMS: Displays alarm times and dates.
4 Operations
7. If SET was pressed in step 1, the menu for setting the
time and date will appear. Use the SELEC, UP and
DOWN keys to set the time and date, and then press
8. If ZERO was pressed in step 1, the menu for setting
AutoZeroing ON/OFF, time/date of the next zeroing,
and time interval for automatic zeroing will appear.
9. Use the SELEC, UP and DOWN keys to make selec-
tions, and press ACCPT.
10. If SPAN was pressed in step 1, the menu for setting
AutoSpanning ON/OFF, time/date for the next calibra-
tion, and interval for automatic calibration will appear.
11. Use the SELEC, UP and DOWN keys to make selec-
tions, and press ACCPT.
12. If ALRMS was pressed in step 1, a menu displaying the
most recent triggering time and date of each of the
alarms will appear. From here, press ESC three times to
return to the main menu screen.
Operations 4
Changing Passwords for Remote Monitoring and Control
1. Enter set-up from the Analyze mode by pressing
2. Press SET to set the password(s).
3. Enter your authorization code by using the SELEC, UP
and DOWN keys, and press ACCPT. You must enter
the same authorization code set during the last COLD
4. Press MORE. Press ESC to return to the Analyze mode
5. Press PASS1 to change the remote monitoring pass-
word, or PASS2 to change the remote control pass-
6. If you pressed PASS1 in step 5, the next screen will al-
low you to change the remote monitoring password.
Use SELEC, UP and DOWN to choose the new pass-
word, and then press ACCPT, which will take you to
step 4.
4 Operations
7. If you pressed PASS2 in step 5, the next screen will al-
low you to change the remote control password. Use
SELEC, UP and DOWN to choose the new password,
and press ACCPT, which will take you to step 4.
Operations 4
System Statistics
1. Enter set-up from the Analyze mode by pressing
ESC in any status page will take you to the last set-up
screen and eventually the main analyze mode.
PREV steps you back one status page.
NEXT moves forward one status page.
2. Press STAT for system status.
(If only one cell block is installed, TEST and INSTL
will be omitted.)
3. Status page one displays the active sensor (A or B), the
system time/date, and the system hardware configura-
tion. The number and date of the installed software ver-
sion are also shown.
Press PREV for the previous screen, or NEXT for the
next screen.
4. Status page two shows the O2 level set for spanning, the
cell strength factor, the type and time of the last span,
the time interval for scheduled spanning (AutoSpan),
and whether or not scheduled spanning is active. [The
cell strength factor is an indication of the amount of cell
life left in the cell, with 1.00 being the most and 0.00 be-
ing the least.]
5. Status page three shows the time of the last zero, the
time interval for scheduled zeroing (AutoZero), and
whether or not scheduled zeroing is active.
6. Status page four shows the settings for the five pro-
4 Operations
7. Status page five shows the time and date of the last time
the alarm was triggered for each of the five program-
8. Status page six shows the set-up for the serial port, and
allows you to reconfigure the serial port. Press EDIT to
bring up the following screen.
Press NEXT to go to status page 7.
9. Use the SELEC, UP and DOWN keys to select the de-
sired serial port configuration, and press ACCPT.
Baud rate: 300–2400
Parity:Odd, Even, or None
Mode: Monitor, Remote, or Off
ASCII Data Bits:7 or 8
Stop Bits: 1 or 2
Modem: On, Off or Auto
Output Interval for Monitoring: 1–32000 sec.
Transmit/Receive Line Terminators: CR or
10. Status page seven allows for configuration of the mo-
dem/remote. Press EDIT to change the configuration.
Modem Mode: AUTO/OFF/ON
Modem Status: NO (set by system)
Login Access: LOCAL (set by system)
Phone Jack: SINGLE/MULTI, RJ12
Comm. Std. for 1200B: BELL USA/CCITT
11. After pressing EDIT, a cursor will appear and you will
be able to edit the settings. Press ACCPT when done.
Pressing INIT in status page seven (step 10) takes you
to the screen at the top of the next page and gives you
the option of either checking for a modem, or setting up
the modem. Set-up sets up the modem for auto answer
and other communication protocols.
Operations 4
12. After checking for the modem, pressing ESC returns
you to status page seven in step 10.
If INIT was pressed in status page 7 and then SETUP
pressed in step 11, pressing ACK will return you to this
screen. Press ESC to return to status page seven in step
13. If you have purchased the parallel printer option, status
page eight allows for configuration of the port. Press
EDIT to change the configuration.
Mode: ON/OFF
Interval: 3–32000 seconds
NOTE: The printer report will always be in the same for-
mat—O2 Level, Range, Active Sensor, Time & Date.
14. After pressing EDIT, a cursor will appear and you will
be able to edit the settings.
15. Status page nine shows whether or not the last and next
start-ups were WARM or COLD. The next start-up may
be changed by pressing the COLD or WARM keys.
16. Status page ten displays logger data. Press VIEW to see
the logger data history. Press NEXT to return to status
page one. Press ESC twice to return to the Analyze
mode main menu.
17. If VIEW was pressed in step 13, logger data may be
viewed by using the +, –, REV and FWD keys. The O2
level, range, and time are shown for each data point.
NEXT takes you to status page two.
REV and FWD change the date by one page (or 64
points), while – and + go through the data one point at a
time within a single page. Press ESC to return to status
page ten.
4 Operations
Maintenance & Troubleshooting 5
Maintenance & Troubleshooting
5.1 Routine Maintenance
1. Calibrate the analyzer at least once each week during the first four weeks
and then once every two weeks during the next eight weeks. Afterwards,
the analyzer should be calibrated once a month.
2. Check the pressure of the air supply to the analyzer. Air pressure should be
maintained between 70 and 80 psig.
Note: The instrument air pressure must be greater than 70 psig in order to open
and close the pneumatic solenoid valves.
3. Check the sample pressure. Pressure should be maintained between 5 and
10 psig. Sample and span gas pressures should be within 2 psig of each
5.1.1 Sensor Maintenance
Sensor maintenance in the 3160 is limited to replacing the sensor(s) when replace-
ment is indicated. Consult the troubleshooting section for symptoms that indicate that the
sensor needs replacing.
A guide to the relative life left in the cell can be found on status page 2. See “Cell
Strength Factor” at the beginning of Chapter 3.0.
In units with 2 cell blocks, if sensor A fails, sensor B will not automatically switch
online. This must be done manually through the Install Sensor and Test Alternate Sensor
5.1.2 Scrubber Maintenance
The oxygen scrubber is a replaceable component. With normal use, the scrubber
usually lasts for several years.
NOTE: Do not zero in ranges other than 0-1 ppm, as zeroing in higher ranges will
exhaust the scrubber.
5 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Analyzers equipped with a scrubber should only be used with inert gases and saturat-
ed hydrocarbons.
5.2 Troubleshooting
To troubleshoot the analyzer, identify the problem in the following list and then
follow the procedures to correct the problem. If you cannot identify the problem, or if you
cannot resolve the problem after following the corrective procedure, call a service repre-
Faulty LCD or LED.
Return the unit to factory.
LCD or LED display will not
Remove analyzer cover. Adjust
potentiometer located behind
LCD display.
Display too bright.
Faulty electrical connection.
Remove analyzer cover. Check
PC board connections and
make sure that they are firmly
No analog output.
Bad sensor.
High O2 level.
Replace sensor.
Check zero gas inlet connec-
Zero gas signal >2 PPM.
Bad sensor.
Replace sensor.
Slow response/recovery time.
Re-zero sensor.
Displays “--” value.
a) The wrong span gas
concentration has been
a) Re-enter span gas concen-
Can't calibrate (with sensor
installed). Display reads “cell
too strong” or “cell too
b) Replace or reinstall sensor.
a) The pneumatic air supply
pressure is too low, making
the valves stick.
a) Raise air supply pressure to
at least 70 psig.
No sample gas flow.
b) The sample supply pressure
is too low.
b) Check back panel connec-
tions. Raise sample supply
to at least 5 psig but within
2 psig of the span gas
Maintenance & Troubleshooting 5
c) Make sure metering valve
(flow set knob on front
panel) is sufficiently open.
Back panel vent is blocked.
See a) above.
Clear and check connection to
back panel vent.
Will not switch modes.
See a) above.
Sensor output does not drop
to a stable, low value during
zeroing or spanning.
a) Sensor has been exposed
to high concentrations of O2
for an extended time period.
a) Replace sensor and/or
wait for stable reading.
b) Bad sensor.
b) Replace sensor.
c) Leak in system.
c) Check sensor block clamp.
Make sure the sensor block
is tightly closed. Check the
gas supply tank, line and
connections for leaks.
Unit will not turn on although
it is plugged in and the
Power Switch is ON (at "I"
Fuse is blown.
Check fuse(s) in back panel
fuse block assembly located
above the power cord recep-
5 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
A.1 Specifications
(Subject to change without notice.)
(Six ranges with AutoRanging on all ranges)
0–1 part per million (ppm) O2
0–10 ppm O2
0–100 ppm O2
0–1000 ppm O2
0–1 % O2
0–25 % O2
2% of full scale when calibrated and operated at the same constant
5% of full scale over the operating temperature range once tempera-
Additional 0.04 ppm on 0-1 ppm range, generated by internal scrub-
ber (which is necessary to maintain these specifications).
Response Time: 90 % of final reading in less than 61 seconds at 25 °C
OperatingTemperature:0-50°C (32-122 °F)
Analog Signal Outputs:
For percent of full scale indication:
one 0–1 V dc non-isolated signal
one 4–20 mA dc isolated signal
one 0–1 V dc non-isolated signal
one 4–20 mA dc isolated signal
Digital Data Lines:
One RS-232C serial interface for 2-way communications
with separate host computer—for remote monitoring and
control of all functions.
with Form C, SPDT relays (3A resistive).
Mounting and Enclosure:
19" relay rack, 20.3 cm (12.25 inches) high,
for general purpose (nonhazardous) areas.
(Class I, Division II, hazardous area models
available on special order.)
Sensor: Class B-2, B2C, A2, or A2C, Micro-Fuel
1,609 m
RelativeHumidy: Up to 99%
Power Requirements: 100, 120, 220, or 240~ 50-60 Hz 1.5 A MAX
Use 250 V 3.0 A T Fuse for 110, 120 V~
Use 250 V 1.6 A T Fuse for 220, 240 V~
TELEDYNE Analytical Instruments
16830 Chestnut Street
City of Industry, CA 91749-1580
Phone (626) 934-1500,
Fax (626) 961-2538
TWX (910) 584-1887 TDYANYL COID
A.2 Recommended Spare Parts List
Description P/N
Micro-FuelCellsensor C6689B2
Suctionpurifier P670
Solenoidvalve V462
Pneumatic valve upper body B435
Hose fitting tee T978
Fuse, 3A T Type F68
Fuse, 1.6A T Type (European) F768
Scrubber C58750
A.3 Drawing List
NOTE: The MSDS on this material is available upon request
through the Teledyne Environmental, Health and
Safety Coordinator. Contact at (626) 934-1592
A.4 Material Safety Data Sheet I
Section I – Product Identification
Product Name: Micro-Fuel Cells and Super Cells, all classes except A-2C, A-3,
and A-5.
Electrochemical Oxygen Sensors, all classes except R-19.
Mini-Micro-Fuel Cells, all classes.
Manufacturer: Teledyne Analytical Instruments
16830 Chestnut Street, City of Industry, CA 91749
Phone: (818) 961-9221
Customer Service: Extension 222
Environmental Health
and Safety: Extension 230
Date Prepared : 2/12/96
Section II – Hazardous Ingredients/Composition
Material or
C.A.S. # Quantity
Lead (Pb)
7439-92-1 3–20 gms
0.05 mg/m3 0.15 mg/m3
Potassium Hydroxide1310-58-31–5 ml None
2 mg/m3
Solution 15% (KOH)
Section III – Physical/Chemical Characteristics
or Compo-
Specific Vapor
Gravity Pres-
in Water
Melting Density Evap.
Point (°C)
Solid, silver
gray, odorless
White or
no odor
Section IV – Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
Flash Point:
Flammable Limits:
LEL: na
Extinguishing Media:
Use extinguishing media appropriate to surrounding fire
conditions. No specific agents recommended.
Special Fire Fighting
Wear NIOSH/OSHA approved self-contained breathing
apparatus and protective clothing to prevent contact with
skin and eyes.
Unusual Fire and Explosion
Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions.
Section V – Reactivity Data
Aluminum, organic materials, acid chlorides, acid
anhydrides, magnesium, copper. Avoid contact with acids
and hydrogen peroxide > 52%.
Hazardous Decomposition of
Toxic fumes
Hazardous Polymerization:
Will not occur.
Section VI – Health Hazard Data
Routes of Entry:
Highly unlikely
May be fatal if swallowed.
The electrolyte (potassium hydroxide) is corrosive; skin
contact may cause irritation or chemical burns.
The electrolyte (potassium hydroxide) is corrosive; eye
contact may cause irritation or severe chemical burns.
Acute Effects:
The electrolyte is harmful if swallowed, inhaled or
adsorbed through the skin. It is extremely destructive to
tissue of the mucous membranes, stomach, mouth, upper
respiratory tract, eyes and skin.
Chronic Effects:
Prolonged exposure with the electrolyte has a destructive
effect on tissue.
Chronic exposure to lead may cause disease of the blood
and blood forming organs, kidneys and liver, damage to
the reproductive systems and decrease in fertility in men
and women, and damage to the fetus of a pregnant
woman. Chronic exposure from the lead contained in this
product is extremely unlikely.
Signs and Symptoms of
Contact of electrolyte with skin or eyes will cause a
burning sensation and/or feel soapy or slippery to touch.
Other symptoms of exposure to lead include loss of sleep,
loss of appetite, metallic taste and fatigue.
Lead is classified by the IARC as a class 2B carcinogen
(possibly carcinogenic to humans).
Where airborne lead exposures exceed the OSHA action
level, refer to OSHA Lead Standard 1910.1025.
Lead exposure may aggravate disease of the blood and
blood forming organs, hypertension, kidneys, nervous
and possibly reproductive systems. Those with preexist-
ing skin disorders or eye problems may be more suscepti-
ble to the effects of the electrolyte.
Medical Conditions Generally
Aggravated by Exposure:
Emergency First Aid Procedures:
In case of contact with the skin or eyes, immediately
flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and
remove all contaminated clothing. Get medical attention
If ingested, give large amounts of water and DO NOT
INDUCE VOMITING. Obtain medical attention immedi-
If inhaled, remove to fresh air and obtain medical
attention immediately.
Section VII – Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
NOTE:The oxygen sensors are sealed, and under normal circum-
stances, the contents of the sensors do not present a health
hazard. The following information is given as a guide in the
event that a cell leaks.
Before opening the bag containing the sensor cell, check
Protective measures
during cell replacement:
the sensor cell for leakage. If the sensor cell leaks, do not
open the bag. If there is liquid around the cell while in
the instrument, wear eye and hand protection.
Cleanup Procedures:
Wipe down the area several times with a wet paper towel.
Use a fresh towel each time. Contaminated paper towels
are considered hazardous waste.
Section VIII – Control Measures
Eye Protection:
Chemical splash goggles
Rubber gloves
Hand Protection:
Other Protective Clothing:
Apron, face shield
Section IX – Disposal
Both lead and potassium hydroxide are considered poisonous substances and are regulated under
TSCA and SARA Title III.
EPA Waste Number:
California Waste Number:
DOT Information:
RQ Hazardous Waste Solid N.O.S. (Lead), 9, UN3077,
Follow all Federal, State and Local regulations.
Section X – References
Material Safety Data Sheets from J.T. Baker Chemical, Aldrich, Mallinckrodt, ASARCO
U.S. Department of Labor form OMB No. 1218-0072
Title 8 California Code of Regulations
CFR 49
CFR 29
CFR 40
NOTE:The above information is believed to be correct and is offered for
your information, consideration, and investigation. It should be
used as a guide. Teledyne Analytical Instruments shall not be held
liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with
the above product.
A.5 Material Safety Data Sheet II
Section I – Product Identification
Product Name:
Super Cells, all classes except T–5F
Oxygen Sensors, all classes.
Manufacturer: TeledyneAnalyticalInstruments
16830 Chestnut Street, City of Industry, CA 91749
Phone: (818) 961-9221
Date Prepared or Last Revised: 08/08/91
Emergency Phone Number: (818) 961-9221
Section II – Physical and Chemical Data
Chemical and Common Names: Potassium Hydoxide (KOH), 15% (w/v)
Lead (Pb), pure
CAS Number: KOH 1310–58–3
Pb 7439–92–1
KOH (15% w/v)
MeltingPoint/Range: –10 to 0 °C
BoilingPoint/Range: 100 to 115 °C
Pb (pure)
328 °C
1744 °C
SpecificGravity: 1.09 @ 20 °C
SolubilityinWater: Completelysoluble
Percent Volatiles by Volume: None
Appearance and Odor: Colorless,odorlesssolution
Grey metal, odor-
Section III – Physical Hazards
Potential for fire and explosion: The electrolyte in the Micro–Fuel Cells is not flam-
mable. There are no fire or explosion hazards associated with Micro–Fuel Cells.
Potential for reactivity: The sensors are stable under normal conditions of use. Avoid
contact between the sensor electrolyte and strong acids.
Section IV – Health Hazard Data
Primary route of entry:
Exposurelimits:OSHA PEL: .05 mg/cu.m. (Pb)
2 mg/cu.m. (KOH)
Effects of overexposure
The electrolyte could be harmful or fatal if swal-
Oral LD50 (RAT) = 3650 mg/kg
Eye: The electrolyte is corrosive; eye contact could result
in permanent loss of vision.
Dermal: The electrolyte is corrosive; skin contact could result
in a chemical burn.
Inhalation: Liquidinhalationisunlikely.
Signs/symptoms of exposure: Contact with skin or eyes will cause a burning sensa-
tion and/or feel soapy or slippery to touch.
aggravated by exposure: None
Carcinogenity: NTP Annual Report on Carcinogens: Not listed
LARC Monographs: Not listed
OSHA: Not listed
Other health hazards: Lead is listed as a chemical known to the State of
California to cause birth defects or other reproductive
Section V – Emergency and First Aid Procedures
Eye Contact:
Skin Contact:
Flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes and get immediate
Wash affected area with plenty of water and remove contaminated
clothing. If burning persists, seek medical attention.
Give plenty of cold water. Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical at-
tention. Do not administer liquids to an unconscious person.
Section VI – Handling Information
NOTE: The oxygen sensors are sealed, and under normal circumstances, the contents
of the sensors do not present a health hazard. The following information is given
as a guide in the event that a cell leaks.
Rubber gloves, chemical splash goggles.
Clean-up procedures: Wipe down the area several times with a wet paper towel.
Use a fresh towel each time.
duringcellreplacement: Before opening the bag containing the sensor cell, check the
sensor cell for leakage. If the sensor cell leaks, do not open
the bag. If there is liquid around the cell while in the instru-
ment, put on gloves and eye protection before removing the
Should be in accordance with all applicable state, local and
NOTE: The above information is derived from the MSDS provided by the manufacturer.
The information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive
and shall be used only as a guide. Teledyne Analytical Instruments shall not be
held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the
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